Get the biodegradable glitter ready, gal pals! This weekend we're boogieing down, getting some cute goodies and singing the night away at Veer East's For The Girls: Mardi Gras Edition!

My first stall for the year will once again be at For The Girls - only this time, there will be plenty more besides the bangin' tunes and little ol' me.
Featuring a stacked performance and DJ lineup, live drawing, artist stalls, and indie fashion brands like Nevada Clothing Co. and Tamanna the Label, this year's Mardi Gras celebration is Veer East's biggest yet! I'm hella stoked to be a part of it!
I'll be selling my usual wares from 6PM - 11PM, hopefully in the courtyard if the wet weather allows (please Sydney rain god, don't ruin my stickers). I'll also be live drawing on the night with my lovely inky pens and drawing pad!
The final art piece will be available for auction throughout the night till 10:30PM, you're welcome to bid whatever you like. I'll be writing names and phone numbers down to notify you if you've been outbid. As is always with people's digits and deets, I promise not to spam.
If you're still umming and ahhing about what to do for gay Christmas, I can promise you that this weekend's For The Girls will give plenty of good memories to keep you going until the next plague wave inevitably hits. I tend to get anxious and not go out around Mardi Gras season because of the unpredictability, but I damn well know it's going to be a good time.
The event runner Elsa (a valued client and friend of mine) puts a lot of love into her work and she's really committed to maintaining safe and inclusive spaces for people to express themselves and have fun in. Ask anyone who attended Rogue and I'm sure they'd agree, Elsa's events are a unique and shiny gem in Sydney's decaying nightlife.
See you this weekend, friends! 🌈